

About our caviar

When our founder Pierre Beylier started his company, he took over Borisovich, a Russian caviar company based in LA since the '60s.

In Russian, "Petro" means "Pierre" and "ich" means "son of". Pierre wanted to respect the Russian heritage of the company by using the same name construction.

Petrovich Caviar is the name of the company, and Black Pearl Caviar is our brand.

This is our grading system.

Classic:ourentry-level caviar

Reserve: good value for money

Royal: nicer color, more pronounced taste, and/or larger roe

Imperial: our most impressive and exclusive selection, only a few tins are available every year

There is no "Best" caviar per se, it all depends on what you are looking for. Do you want a large roe? A pronounced taste? A gold color?

The Kaluga Hybrid Royal is our largest caviar.

No, Beluga caviar import is forbidden and domestic production is really limited. Beluga Hybrid can be imported but its quality does meet our standards, yet.

It is a special opener for caviar tin. If you do not have one, you can use a coin or a knife.


Petrovich Caviar only sells to food professionals such as chefs, retailers, food distributors, airline companies...

We have dozens of distributors and retailers in the US. Contact us, and we will connect you.



We ship nationwide. Our sister company Savory Gourmet delivers our customers between Santa Barbara and San Diego. For other locations, we ship via FedEx overnight.